"For I am the Lord, your God,who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
And then she pointed me to Proverbs 31 Ministries where they posted this quote from Corrie Ten Boom
"When God allows extraordinary trials for His people, He prepares extraordinary comforts for them."
The tears just rolled so hard I was not even sure I could make it home, but when I did, my sweet husband was there waiting with open arms. Lord thank you so much for Him. My mom and dad continue to call and the pain is just too bad to talk. All I can manage is a text and even that is painful. I can still see them there holding our girls and wanting to hold me yet I just couldn't let them because all I wanted to do was hold Annalise and Emmalyn. Oh the pain my mother must feel.
I am thankful that God has used my blog to touch the lives of those with pain buried deep inside. For those that just needed to talk about there experience, and for those that truly just wanted to see deep into my heart. The numbers have been astounding and I pray that they continue to grow. Everyone's story is just as important as mine and I am thankful to hear them.
Dear Lord,
As I spend time with you this morning, you know that once again tonight I must face the unbearable. You know that I don't want to do it! But I know that you are strong enough for both of us. That you too have felt my pain not only when you lost your Son, but when I lost my girls and every day as long as my pain continues. Please comfort me and my family in a way that only you can. Hold us in your arms along with Annalise and Emmalyn. Shower your love down upon us like the fresh fallen snow in the beauty of winter. I love you Lord. Amen
love you Miranda!